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Department Of English
【英美系12/17演講】喬直 (Prof. George O'Connell)-畫家的眼光,詩人的畫筆:布勒哲爾畫作對二十世紀美國詩人的啟發




講者:喬直 (Prof. George O'Connell)

講題:畫家的眼光,詩人的畫筆:布勒哲爾畫作對二十世紀美國詩人的啟發 (Painter's Eye, Poet's Brush: 20th c. American Poets on the Paintings of Pieter Brueghel)

喬直(George O’Connell) 為美國詩人、教授與譯者,於美國與中國教授創意寫作與文學,以傅爾布萊特計畫講者身分在北京大學服務。目前為臺灣大學傅爾布萊特計畫資深學者,與合作譯者史春波(Diana Shi)將於2019年舉辦詩學翻譯工作坊,內容著重於當代臺灣詩人。喬直不但個人詩歌獲得多項美國榮譽,包括聶魯達詩歌獎和《亞特蘭大詩刊》最高國際詩歌獎,與史春波更共同獲得美國國家藝術基金會文學研究員翻譯獎學金以及香港藝術發展獎。兩人合作編譯《亞特蘭大詩刊》中國篇、《變暗的鏡子:王家新詩選》(入圍2018年美國文學翻譯協會史屈克翻譯獎決選名單)與2017年雙語詩集《渡.香港當代詩人十家》,亦共同主編中英雙語詩歌國際期刊《穿山甲之屋》。
American poet, professor, and translator George O’Connell has taught creative writing and literature in the U.S. and China, serving as Fulbright lecturer at Peking Univ. Currently Fulbright Senior Scholar at National Taiwan Univ., he and cotranslator Diana Shi will conduct a 2019 poetry translation workshop focused on contemporary Taiwanese poets. In addition to numerous U.S. honors for his own poetry, including the Pablo Neruda Prize and the Atlanta Review International Grand Prize in Poetry, he and Ms. Shi received a U.S. National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Translation as well as Hong Kong Arts Development Council awards. They coedited and cotranslated the Atlanta Review China Issue; Darkening Mirror: New & Selected Poems by Wang Jiaxin (shortlisted for the 2018 American Literary Translators Association Lucien Stryk Award); and Crossing the Harbour, a 2017 bilingual anthology of ten contemporary Hong Kong Chinese-language poets. They direct Pangolin House, an international journal of Chinese and English-language poetry and art.

Brueghel's art has generated many poems, not only in English, by those who've found it both compelling and timeless. While viewing paintings by the 16th c. Flemish master, we will consider examples of modern American poetry written as commentary and response. This may have special interest for students of Chinese culture, in which literature and visual art have long been fruitfully entwined.
